No one ever told me that when you become a parent, the intense love you feel for your child would continue to increase throughout your WHOLE LIFE! I was under the misguided delusion that I had the first 18 years to ‘raise them up and show them the way they should go’ and then I could relax and enjoy them leading their own lives.
No one ever told me that parenting a young adult would sometimes be MORE intense and heart-wrenching and tiring than when they were little and you lived with permanent bed hair, sleep deprivation, and spit up on your shoulder.
No one ever told me, that those moments of first smiles, hearing them the first time they laughed out loud, their first words, and those first steps were just the beginning of a lifetime of firsts and seconds and thirds and ALL of it would bring joy to my heart that no words could ever describe.
No one ever told me that the ‘momma bear’ instinct to love unconditionally, protect and nurture NEVER leaves you, no matter how independent they become. Or that the desire to see God’s absolute best for them in every area of their lives is always there 24/7.
No one ever told me, that no matter what they say or what they do, the good, the bad, and the ugly, it would never alter the love you have for them. Nor diminish the dreams you see for them for a future filled with love, joy, and fulfillment.
No one ever told me, that DAILY you wake up with the hope and deliberate expectation that TODAY is going to be their best day ever! Today, they will see a glimpse of what God has for them NOW and what He has planned for their amazing life ahead and they would know how so so much He adores them.
No one ever told me that no matter what, I would always be there for them, even if we are miles apart and a lifetime away. That they carry a piece of my heart that no one else could ever replace; that they are on my mind constantly and I would always be thinking and believing the best of them.
No one ever told me……well, perhaps they did……but until you have experienced it for yourself, it definitely feels like ‘no one ever told me!’
And then I look to my Father in Heaven and I am reminded once again of the promises that ‘He would never leave me or forsake me?’ (Deut 31:7)….. That He rejoices over me and you with gladness, He will quiet me with His love, and celebrate over us ( His children) with loud singing! ( Zeph3:17)
I am reminded when I think of my own children how much MORE God loves His kids, as far as the East is to the West ( and I can certainly relate to that) and that He LAVISHES ( I love that word) His love on us, that we should be called children of God. ( 1 John 3:1)
I could go on and on, but I won’t, I can’t or I would be here all day ….and then some! Suffice to say perhaps no one ever told me or perhaps they did. Words are often not enough, but I know this one thing, God is ALWAYS telling His kids how much He loves them if only we would listen.