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Kim Beaumont

I woke up the other morning with the words ‘you are enough’ resounding in my mind. A bit like a CD jumping over a scratch (if anyone can remember them) repeating itself over and over.

I knew it was God reminding me, so I leaned into my heart. Obviously there was another layer to be unpeeled. There was a choice for me at that moment. I could get on with my day, I had a list of things I needed to do. Or I could take a breath, be intentional and un peel that next layer.

If there’s anything I’ve learned over the years and especially this past year, it is the value of leaning into your pain or your fears or whatever it is that is stopping you from growing and moving forward. Like a Band-Aid being ripped off, there is pain in the moment but relief and freedom on the other side!

I was having a conversation with a friend last night. Both of us lamenting and laughing at the ridiculousness of being 53 years old (I still can’t believe I’m that old) and even now there are moments when we don’t feel ‘grown-up.’ It got me thinking. Again.

How long am I going to ‘play tag’ with the lie ‘I am not enough’?

From as far back as I can remember the lie has been there. Starting out small and sneaky and then as I grew up being fed by comments and thoughts.

I am not pretty enough.

I am not smart enough.

I am not good enough. Or the reverse psychology effect; I was too loud. I was too bossy. I was too good. All of these lies have the same effect.

They shut me down and they shut me up.

And as I partnered with those lies, mostly unconsciously] they slowly but surely stole from me, my original identity of who I was and who I was created to be. That’s what lies do. It is often subtle and gradual and they become the truth that we believe.

Psalm139; 13-15 ‘For You knit me together in my mother‘s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works and I know this very well.’

Fearfully and wonderfully made, that is each one of us.

Marvelous are your works that’s me and that’s you!

I remember the first time someone told me I was beautiful. I was 15 years old. And I was shocked and overwhelmed all at the same time! Could someone really think I was beautiful?

And then in my last year of high school my history teacher, Mr. Wasson wrote me a referral and said that I was a magnificent person.I still have the letter and it still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. Why am I sharing this?

For too long, many of us have believed the lies we have been told through experience, words of others or even words we have spoken and entertained over ourselves. These beliefs do NOT line up with who God says we are! And He should know, He ‘s the one who created us!

It Is my hope and my prayer that each one of us will stop ‘playing tag’ with the lies we’ve been believing. Ask our Creator what His truth about us is. And that we will step in to the truth of our original identity, stop believing the lies and know that ‘YOU ARE ENOUGH.’

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